Scott Mausoleum Burglary & Extortion
In February 08, 1911, a macabre crime took place in the Erie Cemetery. There was a break-in at the Scott Mausoleum, disturbing the body of the late Congressman William L Scott — a wealthy railroad man. The grave robbers carried away the body of his sister in law, Mrs. McCullum. Several of the crypts were broken into, the copper cases holding the caskets had been opened, apparently with chisels, and two or three of the caskets had been opened, apparently with chisels, and two or three of the caskets themselves practically demolished, while one was taken away entirely. Private Detectives investigating the desecration of the Scott Mausoleum in the Erie Cemetery reported a body had been taken. Later it was announced that the marauders entered the mausoleum, removed the body, and it was later found in another crypt. The detectives were the only ones giving out information, and most, if not all of it, was false. The detectives formulated a theory that the robbers were after jewels that m...