Civil Unrest Destroys Rag Processing Plant

Erie's Rag Processing Plant, M.P. Radov Corporation, located at 1925 Holland Street, was gutted by arson on July 18, 1967. Six African-American men were arrested on suspicion of arson and inciting a riot. The following day Mayor Tullio along with the Police Chief met with local Civil Rights Leaders whom assured the Mayor and the Police Chief that demonstrations regarding the incident of the following day would be peaceful, orderly and lawful.

A Warren County, Pennsylvania Newspaper the Warren Times Mirror and Observer reported the unrest in their newspaper on July 20, 1967, which read:
An Erie reporter summed up the situation around the nation yesterday as the riots which have plagued three cities this week ebbed to insults and actions. In Erie six Negroes were charged with inciting a riot early yesterday and state fire inspectors suspect arson in a fire late Tuesday which destroyed the MP Radov Corp 1925 Holland st causing an estimated in damage. The six were arrested at yesterday at 18th and Holland by Lt Harry Stazzewski and his riot squad Charged under section 401 were Willie Connor 21, Paul Son Jr 36, Russell Lomax 28, Joe 30, Bennie Wall 24 and David Bethel 21. All were committed to county jail in lieu of bonding a hearing before Alderman James Hogan Wall; and Edmund Love 17 also a Negro were charged with aggravated assault and battery. Wall is accused of beating two men in the area, watching the fire Love is accused of throwing a brick at a Jeep station wagon driven by Thomas Sheldon 17 of 1426 W st at 10 p.m, Tuesday, as Sheldon was driving on at 18th and Holland Sheldon lost control of the vehicle which struck a building. He was admitted to St Vincent Hospital where he received six stitches in the head. Hamot hospital aides reported five other persons were admitted at the hospital between 1 and 2 A.M. for abrasions after being beaten. City Fire Inspector John Grenberg said police are holding an empty metal container found at the rear of the Arthur F. Schultz furniture company.

Erie’s Rag Processing Plant
Erie’s Rag Processing Plant.

Mayor Tullio and the Police Chief with local Civil Rights Leaders
Mayor Tullio and the Police Chief with local Civil Rights Leaders.